4 Coworking Tips For Higher Productivity


It’s no secret that coworking leads to higher productivity. Global research by DeskMag and DeskWanted shows that 74% of coworkers are more productive and 86% have a larger business network than their cubicle-bound counterparts. Moreover, coworkers report greater job satisfaction, higher income, and better work-life balance.

It’s no wonder more and more coworking spaces and virtual office spaces are popping up all over. Experts estimate that by 2020, the number of coworking locations will quadruple. Imagine that!

Looking to boost your productivity? Here are some ways to make the most of your coworking experience:

  1. Make Use Of The Amenities

Popular coworking providers like Common Desk provide a myriad of amenities from in-house gyms, play areas for kids, free-flowing coffee, and gourmet food. While some may see these amenities as a distraction, more savvy coworkers are able to turn these into a great advantage.

The trick is knowing how to allot breaks and leisure time in a way that helps your work instead of harms it. Studies show that taking strategic breaks provides a number of advantages including improved memory/retention, more focus, and better problem solving skills.

So the next time you feel the need to step away from your desk, don’t feel too guilty. Momentarily resting your brain (and eyes) actually sets you up for greater productivity in the long run.

  1. Interact With People Beyond Your Field

One of the biggest perks of coworking is the opportunity to meet professionals and freelancers from different fields and backgrounds. For most of us who work with the same people everyday, coworking spaces are a great way to break the monotony and look for new inspiration.

Professionals in coworking spaces are more than happy to share their knowledge and expertise with those interested enough to ask. So put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to approach people. Use your coworking space as a venue to network with people outside the office.

Who knows? Your next partner or your next big client could be sitting right beside you.

  1. Foster Camaraderie

Coworking spaces provide an environment that is collaborative instead of competitive–a welcome relief from the usual office politics and gossip.

The reason coworking spaces succeed is because they value and foster relationships. Develop a sense of community and engage in some water cooler talk every now and then. Look for people who share the same values and seek out even those who think differently. You’ll be surprised–they might just change your mind.

  1. Help Others Out

When you enter a coworking space, leave your ego at the door. Be open to meeting people and accommodating to those seeking your advice.

Yes, coworking spaces can improve your productivity and provide a plethora of benefits. But it shouldn’t end there. The coworking culture is more about the community than it is about the individual. Find ways to share your knowledge and expertise to those you need it. After all, everything–including the workspace–is best shared.

Sign up at your local coworking space and watch your productivity soar. Not only that, you’ll have a lot more fun while you’re at it!

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